Question: Illinois State University’s 28-story Watterson Towers is the world’s largest dormitory complex and its top floor is the highest point between Chicago and St. Louis. Lesser known is what is unique — or at least originally was — about its laundry area?

Answer: Watterson’s laundry area (2,200 live in the complex) was built way up on the top floor, unlike most other dormitories, almost all of which have laundries in the basement or first floor. The reason: When Watterson was being built, female students back in the late 1960s suggested to university officials that students didn’t want to go through first-floor lobbies or heavily populated lower areas “while in hair curlers” or “not in dresses or dress pants” or when “indecent for public appearance.” So they were built at the top of the complex instead.

18 presidents who have been to Central Illinois