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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Let Them Do Laundry: Florida State’s excessive coronavirus testing punishment - FSView & Florida Flambeau

I was impressed to learn that starting this Monday, Sept. 14, FSU will be implementing random testing on 5-10% of the student body who frequent the campus every week. It shows me that our school is taking steps in the right direction to put checks and balances on those who desperately need to be held accountable. 

I especially appreciate the school’s willingness to take this situation seriously, but after reading through the entire announcement, one sentence stood out that made me wonder if we may be taking this a step too far. The quote in question says, “Students who do not comply with the testing invitation may have swipe card access revoked.” Now that is a loaded sentence. 

The phrase “have swipe card access revoked” seems slightly (and almost intentionally) vague, but let's break it down.  

According to the FSUCard Center website, a student’s FSUCard is first and foremost an ID; but alongside that, FSUCard uses include: on campus dining, entry to residence halls, laundry payments, vending machine payments, printing, library access, and access to transportation on StarMetro City buses. 

Is it just me, or do some of those things sound like basic necessities? 

Do not get me wrong, I am all for testing. If I have to spend a few minutes out of my day to take a test that will allow me to enjoy my life on campus, that is a sacrifice I am willing to pay. But the truth is, not everyone feels the same way. 

Some just do not feel comfortable making a private matter—like their health—a public matter. 

Do those people who may not be as willing to comply with the school’s “invitation” really deserve to be shut off from the accommodations they have paid for? Should those people be forced to find other means of eating and transportation? Other ways of washing their clothes and gaining access to their rooms? I don’t think so. The punishment does not seem to fit the crime. 

That is not to say those people ought to go on about their day scot-free. The school should provide incentive to make people feel obligated to be tested and reprimand those who feel they are above the school’s request. The need to test is essential in making sure our school provides a safe environment for all its students. 

If anyone has been paying attention to social media recently, you may have seen our prized university being ridiculed and criticized by certain other in-state schools. In one especially glaring TikTok video, Florida State University was referred to as “COVID State University.” 

Looking at our school’s positivity rate (currently 7.32%), reading about out of control fraternities and watching videos of massive pool parties taking place off campus, I feel like we have earned that title. 

So of course the school feels the need to punish the noncompliant, but where should we draw the line between punishment and public humiliation?

If the school strips away a student’s card swipe privileges, that student could have their primary means of eating taken away from them. Students on meal plans have paid large sums to the school in order to feed themselves, shelling out more money to find alternative means of eating adds up quickly and is unsustainable for those on a budget. 

Students living in dorms, from what I have gathered, would essentially be shut out from their own living spaces. For many students, driving back home or finding some other place to stay is essentially a non-option. FSU is home to students from all over the states and all over the globe; taking an afternoon to drive back home is out of the realm of possibility for many. 

What the punishment seems to be getting at is this: if you cannot comply with our wishes, then you should not be able to stay on campus. I would much rather be told that than have my eating and sleeping rights yanked out from under me. 

Taking that a step further, I would rather see a stronger approach to providing incentives to students. I like this quote from the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: 

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” 

We should be teaching and rewarding students, not harshly punishing them and making health and safety a chore. Teach us why we should be taking tests, reward those who obey testing wishes (might I suggest a free Coke at a vending machine?). Make students feel as if they have a stake in the game, not by threatening us but by inspiring us to do better and to make that sacrifice.

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The Link Lonk

September 13, 2020 at 10:42PM

Let Them Do Laundry: Florida State’s excessive coronavirus testing punishment - FSView & Florida Flambeau

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