During the early days of the COVID-19 crisis, seemingly everyone was self-soothing by baking bread, even people who previously used their ovens strictly to store their winter sweaters. Whether it was from a commercial bread shortage, a desire to reduce trips to the market or a yearning for some Little House on the Prairie cosplay to fill the suddenly empty hours, there was an early communal need to knead.
With COVID cases still rising alarmingly even as we are starting to get shots into multiple arms, we’re inching through a brutal winter of discontent. It’s time for another homespun trend, one with actual benefits to your health, your wallet and the planet. It’s time to return to line-drying our clothing.
I’ve been hanging out my laundry for many years, a practice so unusual in Texas that some see it as borderline eccentric, especially as I have a perfectly good tumble dryer. Maybe my motivation can be traced to the early influence of my grandmother, who put me to work as soon as I could toddle after her, assigned with handing her wooden clothespins. You can put your kids to work too, in between virtual 8th grade classes at the kitchen table.
The advantages of hanging out your laundry are many. One of the big ones is that UV light can kill germs, even the coronavirus.
“Even on a dull day there’s enough UV light to sanitize the laundry,” British domestic historian Ruth Goodman told me in a phone interview. Goodman is the author of The Domestic Revolution: How the Introduction of Coal into Victorian Homes Changed Everything, which came out late last year. “It’s much healthier and safer to dry your clothes outside” than in a tumble dryer.
Another health benefit: if you use a public washer and dryer, getting the heck away from other people as soon as you’ve washed your clothing is a bonus.
The hidden economic cost of tumble drying is higher than you think. A new electric clothes dryer uses about 4 kilowatt hours of electricity per load, according to Pecan Street, an Austin nonprofit focused on conservation. If you pay around 25 cents per kilowatt hour for electricity, including the energy cost and all fees, a new dryer costs about $1 a load. But an older, inefficient dryer costs many times more per load. This can add up quickly enough to merit a line in the monthly household budget.
The positive environmental benefits of line drying are important, too. If each Texas household switched to line-drying just one load per week this year, we could whittle down electricity consumption. With 10 million households in Texas, if all switched to once-a-week line drying, Texans could save about the equivalent electricity of a what a small- to medium-sized natural gas-fired power plant produces in a year. Want to knock out fossil fuels? The clothesline is your weapon.
Plus, living in Texas, it’s hard not to think about the climate when you are using a dryer, especially on hot days. It doesn’t make any sense to pay to heat a box inside your home just to dry your clothing when there is perfectly good hot, dry air outside. Given our short and fickle Texas winters, you won’t have to wait long for a day warm enough to dry your laundry on the breeze.
Further, the meditative aspects of hanging laundry should not be overlooked in this time of continued national unrest. I find popping out to hang the wash a nice break in the day. The sight of sheets swaying in the breeze isn’t as good as a trip to the tropics to watch the waves, but it’s a lot safer at the moment.
These benefits come cheap, too. Plastic-coated clothesline and some clothespins can be had for less than lunch for two at a drive-through. If you’re in an apartment, you can use a foldable drying rack that occupies just a few feet of space. These folding drying racks may seem odd to Americans, but they are so ubiquitous in some parts of the world that they’re offered for sale for your island home in the Animal Crossing video game.
A few cautions to the clothesline-curious. The key to keeping your laundry soft is to use less soap. Too much soap is what makes line-dried clothing come out stiff.
Check the weather. Growing up old-school Baptist, I’ve never been able to gamble. The closest thing I get is playing laundry lottery, which is hanging out the laundry without checking the forecast for rain and then leaving the house. The stakes of laundry lottery are considerably lower when you aren’t leaving the house much.
Also, some homeowners associations in Texas don’t allow hanging out of laundry, as it began to be seen as déclassé in America about the time suburbs with HOAs began to be built. But there is no Texas law against clotheslines.
We need to think about how we perceive the laundry on the line. Instead of seeing the laundry line as a sign of being too poor to afford a dryer, let’s rebrand it with some Victorian-era thinking. Inspired by Goodman’s analysis of bygone laundry attitudes, going forward let’s make the laundry line into a positive symbol. Laundry fluttering on the line means you are wealthy enough to have a set of clothing both in the wash and on your body, and that you are virtuous enough to get your washing done. And in 2021, maybe a clothesline also indicates that you really care about the future of the planet.
Laundry fluttering on the line means you are wealthy enough to have a set of clothing both in the wash and on your body, and that you are virtuous enough to get your washing done.
“There’s plenty of sun in Texas. Let’s start using it,” Willie Nelson says at the end of a commercial for a solar energy company. Be like Willie, and start using those clothespins for more than rustic crafts and sealing up potato chip bags.
Anna Hanks is a writer in Austin. She wrote this column for The Dallas Morning News.
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February 06, 2021 at 02:30PM
What’s the next homespun COVID trend? How about line-drying your laundry - The Dallas Morning News
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