There is a special place reserved in hell for Circuit Laundry. The laundry room in nearly every halls across the country is overpriced, leaves your clothes damp, full of broken machines and will never, ever, give you your money back from its dreaded app.
At this point it’s just a rite of passage for freshers year that you will spend £2.90 for single wash, only for that stain to not come out and for some impatient idiot to take out your clean clothes and dump them on the floor. It’s a universal experience and it’s now being made into some very funny TikToks.
Circuit Laundry TikTok is a very real hashtag that now has over 1.4 million views and honestly the videos of everyone else’s pain of their Circuit Laundry not working either is weirdly comforting.
The TikToks aren’t massively inventive but they sum up the very real struggle of your money being taken, dirty clothes and broken machines. And therefore you need to watch the 25 best Circuit Laundry TikToks available right now:
1. Sweet, sweet justice
@fromiescendcliffe being on fire tonight ##circuit ##circuitlaundry ##uni ##student ##university ##sheffield ##freshers ##fyp ##foryou ##fire ##uk ##uniuk ##unilife ##uos♬ Conga – Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine
2. Literally spent more on Circuit Laundry than anything else this year
@badbleeprachIf u know, u know. ##circuitlaundry ##relate ##uni ##uk ##university ##exetah ##foryoupage♬ original sound – Rob
3. I just love it here
@takenbymarshallall my homies hate circuit ##circuit ##uni ##laundry♬ original sound – ari
4. No booze, just dirty clothes
@randomtiktoks1820Circuit laundry is the biggest rip off ##uni ##university ##student ##laundry ##fyp♬ Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) – ABBA
5. Can’t hurt
@izzy_marie_archerLike bruh, I just gave you all my money… ##fyp ##uni ##oxford ##oxforduniversity ##student ##studentproblems♬ they wanna see if its true – SH🅰️NE
6. Lol it’s always ugly
@chelseapledgeCircuit laundry is the worst thing about uni ##fyp ##foryoupage ##uni ##tiktoktraditions ##relatable♬ original sound – Meg ✌
7. Scam, scam, scam
@stanhealeyi hate u circuit laundry ##circuitlaundry ##university ##studentproblems ##uni ##freshers♬ ginger barclays gal scams every1 – Jordan
8. You know your halls are bad when Circuit Laundry is a better option
@sharon_d18Bit sad really ##fyp##foryou##alevels##uni##MyLevisMyVibe##backtouni##freshers2020##washing##circuitlaundry♬ Instructor Mooselinis Car Rap – mj
9. I’m out
@iamnotarchieCircuit laundry is going to kill me ##fyp ##foryou ##uni ##laundry♬ original sound – iamnotarchie
10. I felt her pain
@isobelbarnesBoycott circuit laundry 2020 ##circuit ##notts ##uni♬ Heart On Ice – Rod Wave
11. Why am I not surprised?
@longlastingbatterylifeFirst year uni struggles ##circuitlaundry ##uni ##fyp ##foryou ##fy ##edgehill ##university ##laundry♬ Joe willobs. Money back – Joe Willobs
12. Literally not in shock that it’s flooding
@isla.welstedLove that for us ##fyp ##uni ##warwick ##warwickuniversity ##universityofwarwick ##unilife ##circuitlaundry ##studentlife♬ Follow me – Connor
13. Stunning x
@fergus.foordCircuit Laundry is ✨ so pretty ✨ ##sheffielduni ##circuitlaundry♬ Follow me – Connor
14. Just an ode to everything I hate about Circuit Laundry
@horriblekkidsfuck circuit laundry, all my homies hate circuit laundry ##circuitlaundry ##fyp ##studentaccommodation ##glasgow ##scotland♬ Coconut Mall (From “Mario Kart Wii”) – Arcade Player
15. Hahhaha dying over the song
@sirwiener420yeah ##uni ##circuit ##laundry ##university ##uk♬ original sound – Kiana and Brianna
16. Are you not ashamed of yourself??
@jesus.and.crispsCircuit laundry can flip off ##circuitlaundry ##durham ##uni ##freshers2020♬ original sound – Serena la stronza😍
17. A truly special occasion
@suhailafahadMeanwhile at Green Park… ##Studentlife ##studentaccomodation ##laundryday ##circuitlaundry ##workoutfromhome♬ Vibe (If I Back It Up) – Cookiee Kawaii
18. Where is the logic?
@mandalornaith##circuitlaundry this is a circuit hate page ##uni ##circuit♬ Better When I’m Dancin’ – Meghan Trainor
19. Pls I’d just like my money back
@_ameliemia##uni ##uk ##halls ##dorms ##uon ##notts ##nottingham ##circuitlaundry♬ F2020 – Avenue Beat
20. Always a lottery of which machines work
@bayanotbeeyes i know the towels are actually dry in this clip ##uni ##circuitlaundry ##halls♬ Bad Boy – Yung Bae & bbno$ & Billy Marchiafava
21. They must have been buzzing when everyone left early
@notchl0eDEAR CIRCUIT LAUNDRY ##uni ##university ##circuitlaundry ##coronavirus ##foryou ##fyp ##foryoupage ##corona ##british♬ Crab Flow OKBEN1 – ben 🤓
22. Lol legit will never finically recover
@ninasprobablysleepingrnconspiracy: circuit did covid-19??? ##uk ##scotland ##university ##circuitlaundry ##studentaccomodation ##internationalstudent♬ follow me if u think carole killed her husband – emily
23. Obvs the lights don’t work
@katiaamylin##university ##unihalls ##circuitlaundry I soooo cant wait to not live in halls next year♬ original sound – Gina
24. DON’T USE COLOUR CATCHERS – watch your tone Circuit Laundry
@billiejeanercircuit be like ##fyp ##foryoupage ##circuitlaundry ##uni ##british♬ original sound – gina
25. Pls just seriously give me my money back
@gibbsy_jack##exeter ##uni ##exeteruni ##money ##circuit ##laundry♬ Joe willobs. Money back – Joe Willobs
Related stories recommended by this writer:
•Watch: Video shows Endcliffe laundry room on fire as a dryer goes up in flames
•Circuit Laundry is the worst thing about being a fresher
•I’m going to give you 20 minutes to discuss these 26 break out room memes
The Link LonkOctober 21, 2020 at 04:31PM
Circuit Laundry TikTok is now a thing and sums up how bad the service is - The Tab
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