A clean win to report in China and for the exhibition industry with the news that Texcare Asia and China Laundry Expo 2020 (TXCA & CLE), gathered 14,413 and 122 exhibitors.
Organisers said the show is the only large-scale exhibition in the global textile care industry that has managed to run in 2020.
The show concluded 16 October at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, with many participants reporting an optimistic outlook for the Chinese market, particularly in light of emerging opportunities in fields such as medical laundry and automation.
The three-day tradefair helped participants to capture these opportunities, presenting the latest technologies and products from the industry and offering an effective business development platform.
Industry recovery was a key theme this year and, consequently, the fair’s product offerings closely matched growth sectors that are expected to thrive both during and after the pandemic, including medical laundry and sanitisation solutions, as well as automation, digital technologies and intelligent laundry systems.
With an abundance of well-established brands in attendance, the exhibition delivered both quality and broad coverage, allowing buyers to conduct their yearly sourcing activities and catch up on the latest technology trends in one-stop.
Mr Junjie Zou, a trade visitor from Jingzhou, and chairman of Kiwi Public Textiles Service, said: “TXCA & CLE is a very important exhibition. It provides a one-stop communication platform that helps medical laundry companies discover the leading technologies and equipment, as well as the latest information from both the local and international market. The insights gained here can help the industry better serve hospitals. After the pandemic, there will be higher standards and requirements for medical laundry when it comes to hospital infection prevention and control.”
China’s various geographic regions were well represented in the halls.
“The visitors here are all big buyers, and our sales volume has reached its highest level this year,” said Mr Liyi Lv, President, Shanghai Weishi Machinery Co Ltd. “The products we are showcasing at the exhibition focus on automation and intelligence, reflecting developments in the industry amid the pandemic, and mirroring trends that we are seeing around the globe. Over the past decade, China's laundry industry products have reached international standards. Customers are comparing our equipment with international products at the exhibition, and giving us a good evaluation. This gives us great export opportunities.”
Mr Shi Xin Wu, general manager of Jiangsu Sea-Lion Machinery said his company participated at TXCA & CLE every year and this year used the exhibition to launch a range of environmentally-friendly medical laundry and disinfection products.
“Our company is mainly involved in industrialised washing equipment for large ‘centralised’ laundry factories. We were able to demonstrate our technical strengths at the exhibition and reach our target customers, who are mainly large washing companies searching for the latest technological solutions,” said Mr Gavin Xiao, sales director of Herbert Kannegiesser GmbH.
Fringe events and a strong line-up of speakers provided plenty of opportunities to network and exchange.
“Laundry services have been affected by the pandemic, but at the same time, the medical washing sector has received more attention,” said Mr Panwei, president of the China Laundry Association, a speaker at the China Textile Hygiene Service Expert Forum. “The fair is a microcosm of industry developments and a good barometer of industry change.”
To deliver its exhibition content to a wider audience, for the first time, TXCA & CLE implemented an “online + offline” experience. Live coverage of the fair, including product demonstrations and forums was broadcast on the official WeChat platform, allowing participants who could not travel to the fairground to keep up with industry developments. The two-day livestream attracted 8,297 views.
Organisers implemented additional safety measures to ensure the health and safety of every participant. This included: real identity pre-registration, entry checkpoints to verify the digital health code of all participants, and onsite temperature scans. Frequent sanitisation of facilities and distancing measures for seminar attendees was also implemented.
TXCA & CLE is an annual event organised by the China Laundry Association and the China Light Industry Machinery Association, as well as Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd and Unifair Exhibition Service Co Ltd. The 2021 edition will be held 27–29 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.
More details: txcacle@china.messefrankfurt.com or txcacle@unifair.com.
The show is part of Messe Frankfurt’s textile care events portfolio. Texcare International is the international flagship fair of this brand, and is held every four years. The next edition will be held 27 November – 1 December 2021 in Frankfurt, Germany. For details, visit: www.texcare.messefrankfurt.com.
The Link LonkOctober 21, 2020 at 03:26PM
Clean results for only large-scale textile care and laundry equipment show held in 2020 - Exhibition World
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