"Are you watching The Laundry Guy?" the conversation begins. "Is it a TV show … about laundry?" "Yes. It's on discovery+. Watch it. You're going to love it!" I've recently been on both sides of this conversation. The reaction is often a groan, followed by disbelief that laundry can be emotional, educational, and fun. Yet it is -- if you take the philosophical and professional approach that Patric Richardson, the laundry guy, does. Plus, if you have considered someone a philistine because they mix darks and lights in an unholy washday mess, this is the show for you. (My editor here refers to it as "the most relaxing program on television.")
The Link LonkApril 27, 2021 at 05:36AM
"The Laundry Guy" On discovery+ Proves Grime Does Pay - MediaVillage
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